Credence Clearwater Revival

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

  by Noah Sunday Thoughts: Look at the seriousness on Herr Trump's face as he signs a bible. That is the look of a true madman with a messianic complex. Who thinks that their signing of a bible makes a difference? A power mad man who feels he has the right to bulldoze a crowd with gas and clubs, just so he can stand in front of a church holding a bible as though he was some sort of religious figure or a god himself.

Trump's Super-Spreader Event-- Bringing The Hate To Freeland, Michigan

RealClearPolitics' current Michigan polling average shows Trump down by 4.2%-- but the poll includes a made up poll by Republican Party disinformation group, Trafalgar (that has Trump up by 2 points, the only poll out of dozens this year showing Trump winning in Michigan. Even Rasmussen, also a Republican polling firm, showed Trump down by 8 points-- 51% to 43% on Thursday.