
The Bible in 10 Minutes

Today’s Book in 10 Minutes covers the most important text of all time, the Bible. The biblical texts are a coherent narrative structured around a series of covenants made with mankind. The OT leads us to the expectation of the nations, the Messiah, the divine figure Who would establish an eternal kingdom that sees its […]
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Symbology & Mystagogy: Liturgy in Scripture & Creation – Seraphim Hamilton & Jay Dyer

Seraphim Hamilton returns to cover the principle of liturgy in Scripture, as well as how life itself and even the created order, are liturgical. Liturgy is the rhythm of life and centers around the notion of “times and dates” in Scripture. Symbology and ritual go together to give us the actual patterns and meaning of […]

The God Debate: Sam Harris Vs. William Lane Craig REVIEW!

 The previous debate review was well received, so today we will cover the most popular WLC debate on YouTube, his squaring off against atheist Sam Harris.  Is William Lane Craig solid in his argument?  Does Harris stump him?  What about WLC’s conglomeration of various arguments and the Kalam Cosmological Argument?   As we saw […]
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Gospel of John Chapter 1 – Logos & Trinity – Jay Dyer (Half)

 Today we will cover the amazing mysteries of the Gospel of John, its symbolism and typology and the continuity with the Law and Prophets.  We will see the uncreated Light, which is patterned as a version of the Genesis account. We will see how the Gospel of John many times over declares the Deity […]
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Universalism? Origenism Refuted – Jay, Snek, David, Fr Dcn Ananias

 We gather to cover the system of Origenism and his universalism, as well as the hellenic philosophical presuppositions that undergirded his system and why 3 ecumenical councils condemned him and his works. Subscribe to JaysAnalysis in the Purchase Membership section to access the archives of videos and interviews and lectures or purchase my books in […]

Is Eric Lerner A Crank?

How did the Universe begin? There are basically two answers to that question: the mystical one, and the scientific one. The mystical one goes something like this: In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. All Creation myths are variations on this, namely a Supreme Being starting the clock. The scientific version is […]

Top 10 BAD Arguments Against the Transcendental Argument for God

We often hear the same objections to TAG based on similar mistakes.  A year ago I did a specific stream presenting TAG and why it holds up against TANG found here. I covered the supposed transcendental argument for the non-existence of God, but we saw this was based on a fallacious understanding of theological voluntarism.  Today we will cover more common and simpler objections to TAG which are usually based on misunderstandings, fallacies and basic blunders.


Philosophy, Universals & Divine Conceptualism: Feser, Aristotle & Augustine (Half)

Today I will be taking Dr. Feser’s Five Proofs book and analyzing the pros and cons.  I will start with the chapter “Augustinian Proofs” since it comes the closest to the transcendental argument for God, as well as looking at other works about the inadequacy of bare monotheism, St Basil Vs Aristotle’s “great architect of the universe god” and thus no natural theology in the Thomistic sense, as well as some rejoinders to these problems from St. Maximos, as well as Q n A and super chats.  The full lecture is for paid subs to JaysAnalysis.


Gnostics, Charismatics & Early Christian Heresies & Fathers – Jay Dyer (Half)

In this lecture, I cover the many notes from the classic scholarly work from Jaroslav Pelikan, Emergence of the Cath0lic Tradition, vol. 1. Pelikan’s history of the development of ideas is a standard work for historical theology and provides an excellent introduction to the first 6 centuries of the Chrlstian Church, the major heresies, the Creed and Trinity, Nicaea and more! The second half is for paid subscribers to JaysAnalysis.