crass display of wealth

Al Gore: "Truth to Power" - Carrying Propaganda to the Great Unconscious

 I'm dedicating this to Al Gore:Al Gore- Truth to Power. Really? Yup, Truth to Power! Al Gore & Truth to Power??I'm scratchin' my head! That title, alongside the very concept of Al Gore speaking truth to power, is preposterous. And yet many people will be enamoured of this very idea. Choosing to ignoring the FACT that Al Gore has long been a part of the very power problem the rest of us have had to deal with. The very idea/ concept of Gore as a speaker of “Truth to Power” is so absurd.

Two Orthodox Jews and New York's Worst Scandal in Decades

Just couldn’t pass this one by- God’s Chosen ? Or giving the Devil his dues?Pretty corrupt and immoral in my book! This story has it all. New York’s Mayor being investigated. Crooked Cops. Corrupt Union Officials- Hookers. Gifts. Hookers as Gifts. One guy after being question committed suicide.  Read entirely at the link : Excerpt below-

"Snow Washing" Canada the Tax Haven & the Panama Papers

After all the fuss about “bad” Russia/Putin & the Panama Papers.....Now that no one is paying attention any longer... Canada's snow washing for tax cheats is seeing the light of day.  Of course, Canada’s snowy white image (innocence) has nothing to do with reality.  As you will read Mossack Fonseca isn’t the only company promoting Canada as a tax haven.