crass display of wealth

Billionaire Sex Trafficker/Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Arrested, Again

.mcclatchy-embed{position:relative;padding:40px 0 56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%}.mcclatchy-embed iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%}The video above, from the Miami Herald,is surely just a surface scratching account of who was involved with Mr Epstein's Lolita Express... -Was pressuring Trump ahead of the upcoming elections one reason for this arrest? - Has Epstein really lost his get out of jail free card this time? I'm sure he can call in a whole lot of favours..

France: Along Comes A Suspiciously, Conveniently Timed Christmas "Terror" Shooting...

   After reading Gallier's comments from the previous post, I became intrigued with this latest "terror" incident. It's so well packaged. Marketable. Terror. Christmas. What's with the repeated occurrence of Christmas attacks? Who hates Christ-mas that much?Certainly not the retailers..