Craig Murray

Where is Canadian Media on the Assange File?

After 10 years of restricted freedom, political exile and incarceration, Julian Assange finally came face-to-face with his accusers at the Old Bailey Criminal Court in London. For three weeks in September, a team of English lawyers argued on behalf of their client, the U.S. Department of Justice, that the beleaguered WikiLeaks founder and publisher should […]
The post Where is Canadian Media on the Assange File? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Covid-19 and the Political Utility of Fear 537

The true mortality rate of covid-19 remains a matter of intense dispute, but it is undoubtedly true that a false public impression was given by the very high percentage of deaths among those who were tested positive, at the time when it was impossible to get tested unless you were seriously ill (or a member of society’s “elite”). When only […]
The post Covid-19 and the Political Utility of Fear 537 appeared first on BSNEWS.

El ‘juicio del siglo’ contra Julian Assange: 10 razones para salvar el futuro del periodismo

El ex diplomático ecuatoriano que le dio asilo político a Julian Assange informa sobre la audiencia de extradición del periodista de WikiLeaks, y explica por qué es “el caso más importante contra la libertad de expresión de toda una generación”. Por Fidel Narváez Read this article in English here. Nota del editor: Fidel Narváez fue el consul de Ecuador en el Reino Unido entre 2010 y 2018. Ayudó a darle el asilo político a Julian Assange, y se comunicaba regularmente […]

El ‘juicio del siglo’ contra Julian Assange: 10 razones para salvar el futuro del periodismo

El ex diplomático ecuatoriano que le dio asilo político a Julian Assange informa sobre la audiencia de extradición del periodista de WikiLeaks, y explica por qué es “el caso más importante contra la libertad de expresión de toda una generación”. Por Fidel Narváez Read this article in English here. Nota del editor: Fidel Narváez fue el consul de Ecuador en el Reino Unido entre 2010 y 2018. Ayudó a darle el asilo político a Julian Assange, y se comunicaba regularmente […]

“None Of It Reported”: How Corporate Media Buried the Assange Trial

One of the most imposing features of state-corporate propaganda is its incessant, repetitive nature. Over and over again, the ‘mainstream’ media have to convince the public that ‘our’ government prioritises the health, welfare and livelihoods of the general population, rather than the private interests of an elite stratum of society that owns and runs all the major institutions, banks, corporations and media.

Reporters Claim Facebook is Censoring Information on Julian Assange Case

Craig Murray, the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and longtime confidant of Julian Assange, has been fastidiously reporting on the Australian publisher’s extradition hearing to the United States. Yet few people have been reading it. This, according to Murray, is because of a deliberate decision by online media giants to downplay or suppress discussion of the case.

U.S. to Assange: All Journalists Are Now Liable to Prosecution Under the 1917 Espionage Act

Lady Emma Arbuthnot, the supervising judge in the Julian Assange extradition hearing. Her husband is Lord James Arbuthnot, whose "activities ... at the defense contractor Thales and British intelligence were the subject of thousands of WikiLeaks exposures."by Thomas NeuburgerIn a breathtaking reversal, the U.S.