
Could Artificial Turf Actually Cause Cancer?

A federal study on the potential link between cancer and artificial turf – particularly the crumb rubber variety – has been approved by the Obama administration.
The study will examine the turf, which is composed of recycled tires and is spread across fields to make them softer and to provide traction for football players, hockey players, and other athletes.

The Real Cost: 81% of Dollar Store Products Contained These Hazardous Chemicals

A report released in 2015 will likely have you shopping somewhere besides your local dollar store or discount retailer soon. After testing 164 dollar-store products, researchers found that over 81% (133 of 164) contained at least one hazardous chemical that was present in high enough concentrations to raise serious health concerns. [1]
Stores like Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, and 99 Only were all culprits – selling the public items like toys, jewelry, and personal care supplies that contained carcinogenic, or otherwise hazardous chemicals.