Are we heading towards the doom of a democracy or the herald of a new dawn?

Both the Supreme Court and several High courts have upheld the view, time and again, that getting a quality public health service facility is a basic human right of every citizen. Despite of it, during this pandemic, the number of deaths is hiking in major cities of the country due to the non-availability of Oxygen; owing to this, the crematoriums[Read More...]

The surge and the Oxygen- Winners and the Losers

The concerned experts have been  suggesting an increase in the share of GDP for health for last many years. The advice  fell on the deaf ears of the government. Today we  are seeing the result of the callousness in not paying heed to the experts’ advice.  We are facing the consequences of that neglect. Some, of course are reaping the[Read More...]

Pandemic: Implications of RSS statement

The Rastriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) tasted the allure of partial power during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led government. It has now experienced seven years of complete power under the leadership of Narendra Modi. The RSS has been nurtured in the right armpit of the Congress. Hence, it had gained some experience of sharing power since the Independence. RSS had enough time[Read More...]

CM Of Karnataka, Act Now Against Communalisation Of The Covid Crisis

Report of Press Conference held via Zoom on 6th May 2021, 3 pm Opening the press conference, Ms. Bhargavi Rao, Trustee of Environment Support Group noted “We have lost so many of our loved ones, not so much because of the virus as because of malgovernance.” She drew particular attention to the unnecessary deaths that happened in Gulbarga and Chamrajnagar due to the[Read More...]

Breach of Fundamental Duties – Spread of Virus

The World health organisation the health wing of United Nations has stipulated certain public health and social measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 virus. The measures were contemplated by WHO taking into account the levels of Covid-19 transmission. One of the major measures stipulated is to maintain social distancing and avoid congregations. There is an obligation on the State[Read More...]

In Responding To COVID Crisis, Prioritise Human And Environmental Health, Learning Lessons From The First Wave

Statement by the Vikalp Sangam Core Group India is in the midst of a COVID emergency. The pandemic’s 2nd wave has exposed the abysmal state of its public health system and the poor quality and pace of response of central and state governments. While we recognise the herculean task that the public health system personnel have been performing for over[Read More...]

The Second Wave of Covid: The role of the political leaders – Has self-interest superseded people’s welfare?

While triumphantly launching the roll out of India-made vaccines on January 16, 2019, with a view to drive home his point of helping others selflessly, the Prime Minister quoted the following words of Gurajada Apparao, the eminent Telugu writer. “Sontha labham kontha manuko, porugu vadiki thodu padavoy. Desamante matti kadoyi, desamante manushuloy” The above verse, which was written more than[Read More...]

India and the Second Wave of COVID-19: How the Modi Government Complacency Caused the Horror

Now that we all have seen someone close in a friend or family succumbing to fatalities of COVID-19. The chilling sight of the mass pyres burning in the crematorium, relatives waiting for hours outside the crematorium to give the last rite to their loved ones, the unattended dead bodies dumped like a pile of garbage in a truck and hospitals,[Read More...]

 Migrant Workers Stranded Yet Again

As the death toll and positivity rate in the wake of the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic stays alarmingly high, lockdowns and other restrictions have been instituted in many parts of the country. Even though an announcement of a nationwide lockdown has not been made, work has been severely disrupted with calls for further curtailment of non-essential economic activity.[Read More...]

Critical Comments on the Principal Scientific Advisor’s Interview

On April 23, 2021 the Economic Times published a short interview with K Vijay Raghavan, the Principal Scientific Advisor (PSA) to the Government of India. It is my understanding that the Office of the PSA is tasked with advising the government on scientific matters. This interview, however, would lead one to think otherwise: when the PSA’s responses are not factually[Read More...]