
The Dying Throes Of A Monster-- Batten Down The Hatches

Yesterday, on his blog, Ameritecture, William Steding wrote The Allure of Madness, positing that "As the country descends into chaos, driven by a mix of structural inequities and a ruthless pandemic that requires leadership far beyond the grasp of Trump World, we each have a choice: stand in resolution guided by values and virtue, or hitch a ride on a comet of madness toward a romanticized return to a mythical normal that will never be normal again.

The Chris Wallace Interview-- Fox Viewers Finally See What A Lying, Incompetent Boob They Support

Trump lied repeatedly during his interview with Chris Wallace on Fox yesterday. It amazed me that Wallace let him get away with his oft repeated distortion of how the U.S. tests more people than any other country in the world. Forget for a moment that Trump opposes testing and that it is done by states and that Trump is trying to defund those state programs. Instead let's just look at the number of tests that have been done per million residents:

It's Monday Morning And Trump Is Still Promulgating Policies That Will Kill Tens Of Thousands Of Americans

I bet Trump wishes he could gracefully back down from his utterly boneheaded, pointless, dysfunctional position on masks. But he's not the kind of person who can admit he was wrong. Over tech weekend, the Wall Street Journal published a piece by Caitlin McCabe, Face Masks Really Do Matter. The Scientific Evidence Is Growing.

Conditions May Change Before November-- But Likely, Every Change Will Be Worse For Trump, Not Better

Every pollster or prognosticator who concludes that Trump has no path to victory says something to the effect of "but it's a long time until November 3 and things can change." Well, things will change. You don't have to be Nostradamus to figure out that if Trump keeps doing what he's been doing or his whole life, Wyoming, West Virginia, Oklahoma and Mississippi will eventually be battleground states. Yes, things change but there is no reason to imagine that they will change in favor of Trump and the GOP.

What's More Repulsive To You-- Republicans Switching To The Democratic Party Or Democrats Switching To The Republican Party?

Yesterday, a piece in the Washington Post by Erica Werner and Jeff Stein-- Trump administration pushing to block new money for testing, tracing, and CDC in upcoming coronavirus relief bill-- couldn't be more damaging to Trump's reelection campaign if it were designed specifically to do just that.

With The DCCC Ignoring Wisconsin Again, The GOP Incumbents Are All Safe-- Unlkess They Caught COVID Over The Weekend And Die Before November

Nationally, Republicans have, by and large but with a few exceptions, fought against Democratic governors trying to protect their states' residents from the worst of the pandemic. But no Republican-dominated state legislature has been more pro-COVID than Wisconsin's. They have worked hard-- and effectively-- to prevent Gov. Tony Evers, a very moderate Democrat, from instituting rules to keep the state safe. The Republicans have given Wisconsin 36,448 cases of the disease-- 6,260 cases per Wisconsinite. On Saturday there were 926 new cases reported (and 7 new deaths).

Moscow Mitch Referred To Himself As The Grim Reaper-- And Now The Whole GOP Is A Party Of Death

Trump Tsunami by Nancy OhanianDavid Feldman tapes a radio show/podcast with me every Monday. The new one-- with special guest eastern Washington state congressional candidate Chris Armitage-- will be posted online late tonight. David and I are pals and it feels like we've known each other for decades.