COVID-Civil War

Protesters Demand Freedom And Liberty-- To Sicken And Kill The Rest Of Us

I don't advocate shooting fascists. I stopped that right after Harvey Milk's assassin was... taken care of. Arresting fascists who are a threat to normal people, in the other hand... of that I do approve, even advocate. The armed assholes running around with assault weapons and threatening shopkeepers who are enforcing social distancing rules, should not be killed-- just arrested and dealt with seriously.

Opening Up Early Could Cause The U.S. Caseload To Spike-- Gigantically In Just One Month

Yesterday, one of the floating death trap companies, Carnival, announced it is planning to start up it's watery killing machines again on August 1. There will be 8 ships sailing out of Florida and Texas. They hope the experiment goes well enough-- I wonder hat the metrics are-- so that they can get the whole fleet sailing by the end of August. Anyone want to take bets on that?

Democracy Is Messy-- But Fascism Has Nothing To Do With Democracy

I was just 16 when I got my only paid job ever working for a political campaign. I operated the elevator in Bobby Kennedy's Senate campaign headquarters in Manhattan. I was thinking of Kennedy today in regard to the Trumpist terrorists' pictures I see parading around with their assault weapons protesting public health measures designed to save our country from the pandemic. "Democracy is messy, and it's hard," Kennedy famously said. "It's never easy." I don't remember when he said it or in what context.

Trumpanzee-- Still The Worst White House Occupant In History

The 25th Amendment needs to be rewrittenOn Sunday, our mentally ill sociopath excuse for a president told reporters that "Some have gone too far. Some governors have gone too far. Some of the things that happened are maybe not so appropriate. And I think in the end it’s not going to matter because we're starting to open up our states, and I think they're going to open up very well.

How Connected Is The Trump Campaign With The Stay-At-Home Protests In States With Democratic Governors?

The Calculation by Chip ProserRNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney told the Washington Examiner that "no matter what, we will be having a physical convention-- or, a physical nominating process." I'm not sure what a 'physical nominating process' is, but she isn't the only Trumpist barking about bringing together large numbers of right wingers.