Epidemiologist Dr Knut Wittkowski: ‘Lockdown Has No Benefit, Only Negative Effects’

In this interview, Dr. Knut Wittkowski states how his initial claims have now been vindicated – the US and European policy lockdowns – came way too late as the virus had already made its way into the populations and therefore any panic measures to contain it would not be effective, and more likely could exact a massive cost on society and the economy. In other words: from a public health and respiratory virus mitigation perspective, the lockdowns were useless. 

Hitchens COVID Warning: ‘Freedoms Taken Away May Not Be Restored’

IMAGE: Masked officers patrolling the semi-rural are near Christchurch (Photo: Dorset Police)
British journalist Peter Hitchens has been one of the few dissenting voices from early on in the COVD-19 crisis, pushing back against government overreach in instituting what has turned out to be a disastrous ‘lockdown’ policy.
“The most vitally important thing is that we discover whether the government’s policy was right or justified,” says Hitchens.

Elon Musk: US Lockdown Measures Are ‘Fascist’ – Calls to Restore Constitutional Rights

Yesterday during his company’s quarterly shareholder meeting, Tesla CEO Elon Musk hit-out against government COVID-19 ‘shelter-in-place’ rules as “fascist,” and noted that state guidelines were being used to “forcibly imprisoning people in their homes against all their constitutional rights.”
“To say that they cannot leave their house and they’ll be arrested if they do? This is fascist,” said Musk said. “This is not democratic, this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom.”

UKC News: Boris is Back – Wants More Lockdown, as Does Sturgeon in Scotland

UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson has finally reappeared after his extended sick leave, only to deliver his best Winston Churchill impression to try and convince the public that another month of economic and social devastation is necessary to ‘win this war against the invisible enemy.’ Standing shoulder to shoulder with the PM is Nippy Sturgeon north of the border. In reality, the government is repositioning itself for a huge public backlash to what is an increasingly unpopular authoritarian and highly destructive policy. All this and much more.