American Police Officer Speaks Out Against Authoritarian COVID ‘Rule Enforcement’

One brave American police officer has taken to social media to speak out against the unlawful actions and brutal police state measures being used against the public during ‘Lockdown’, with many police officers around the country  simply making up ‘COVID rule enforcement’ as they go along. He also points out that law enforcement has no legal authority to infringe on citizens’ Constitutional Rights by preventing lawful freedom of speech, assemble, religion and overall liberties.

Texas Salon Owner Locked Up for Refusing to Close Shop – ‘Kids Need To Be Fed’

A Dallas, Texas hair salon owner was sentenced to a week in jail on Tuesday after refusing to close her shop.
The business owner, Shelley Luther, showed no “remorse or regret” and was “flagrant and intentional” in flouting multiple court and state orders, according to the presiding judge and as court documents revealed.

Why Do Policymakers Insist on Breaking Their Own Coronavirus Rules?

Yesterday all hell broke lose in Lockdown Britain after it was announced that Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College – whose scientific advice convinced the UK government to abandon its initial “herd immunity” strategy in favour of a medieval-style ‘lockdown’ policy – resigned on Tuesday as the government’s science adviser.

SURF’S UP: California Beach Towns Challenging Gov. Newsom’s ‘Overreach’ Order on Coastline Closures

Huntington Beach Mayor Lyn Semeta appeared earlier this week on the Fox News program “The Story” and confirmed that her city has filed a constitutional challenge of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent order to close down Orange County beaches. Dana Point has also joined the lawsuit.
Protests in Huntington Beach ramped up over the weekend (pictured above) in response to the order.

Remembering Marx in Lockdown Times – Beyond the “Corona” Paradigm: Maya John

Guest post by MAYA JOHN On the occasion of the birth anniversary of Karl Marx, the greatest intellectual of the millennium, it is best to steer clear of hero-worshipping. Instead, let us commemorate Marx’s ideas by re-enacting his way of knowing things. Much can be drawn from his writings wherein we can see Marx reinvigorating … Continue reading Remembering Marx in Lockdown Times – Beyond the “Corona” Paradigm: Maya John →

Leading German Virologist: ‘COVID-19 Less Deadly Than We Thought’

German scientist, Professor Hendrik Streeck has been studying groups of subjects in his country and has reached a number of compelling provisional findings regarding the viral behaviour of the new Coronavirus.
Streeck also explains why he thinks that draconian ‘lockdown’ measures were decided in haste, and may ultimately be deemed to have been completely unnecessary.