UKC News: Government Now Scrambling to Justify Disastrous Lockdown Policy

As the summer fast approaches and the threat of the Coronavirus rapidly subsides, government spin doctors are becoming increasingly desperate to hammer home a failing narrative. In order to do this, more power is being devolves to the security services and spying agencies – including the creation of a new agency in order to elevate the concept of a “bio threat” in the eyes of the public. Are the government preparing the public for a new “War on Terror” security theatre?

INTERVIEW: Debunking the COVID-19 Narrative with Prof. Dolores Cahill

Are public health officials and the mainstream media really telling the public scientific accurate and correct information about the Coronavirus and treatment for COVID-19? Was there any scientific or medical basis for governments to impose a lockdown? Are the government-media complex irresponsibly spreading misinformation about COVID-19? Is this misinformation harming the public and causing needless suffering and additional deaths? Apparently, yes.

COVID-19 Crisis: Why is West copying all China’s COVID policies?

The COVID-19 crisis has seen a wave of mass hysteria and panic sweeping across the planet, which seems to have prompted Western governments to overreact in grand fashion. Where did the UK government get the idea to construct nine “Nightingale” pop-up hospitals? Where is the West getting all of its prompts, ideas and policies? The answer: from the onset, western leaders in the US, UK and Europe – have all been copying China. Thus far, the results have been disastrous for the major western countries.

FLASHBACK: When the MMR Autism Controversy Began

Do vaccines cause autism? It’s a well-known fact that autism rates have risen rapidly over the past 30 years. For children born in 1992, according to the CDC, about 1 in 150 would be diagnosed with some form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For children born in 2004, about 1 in 68 children would be diagnosed with ASD. Some have claimed that these spikes in this debilitating condition correlates with the an aggressive program of potent vaccinations for young children.

UKC News: COVID Lockdown ‘Stop Light’ System, Evidence of Gov’t Using MSM for PsyOps

Over the weekend, PM Boris Johnson was meant to reveal the government’s plan to supposedly ‘exit’ the Coronavirus lockdown, only what he ended up showing was a ‘nudging unit’ masterpiece in government applied behavioural psychology and a program of highly weaponised propaganda designed to manipulate the public mind into believing that COVID-19 hadn’t already peaked on April 8th and was somehow laying in wait to ravage the country if ‘lockdown’ measures were ever lifted by Central Government.

COVID-19: ‘Lockdown Was Futile’ in UK, Says Swedish Epidemiologist

On Sunday, British PM Boris Johnson will be announcing the UK government’s nudging plans for ending the country’s COVD-19 lockdown, and warned that recent media reports of easing restrictions was “not a reliable guide”. Scotland said that its lockdown will be extended and Northern Ireland said there was “no headroom” yet to ease the lockdown.