Dr. David Starkey: Britain’s Disastrous COVID Lockdown Policy Will Have Devastating Consequences

Acclaimed British historian Dr. David Starkey argues that a calamitous series of events and decisions caused a panicked British government to recklessly abandon its initially sensible Coronavirus strategy for one that is likely to harm the nation far more than the virus itself. The results have been nothing short of disastrous. 

Washington State: Residents Who Refuse COVID Test to Be Placed Under House Arrest

As many US states struggle to roll-back their highly damaging lockdown policies, various complex technocratic ‘gating’ systems are now being devised by public health officials – all of them presumable designed to prevent a theoretical “second wave” of coronavirus infections and deaths. One such precondition is the call for “mass testing and contact tracing” for COVID-19.

Covid-19 and the Idea of India: Manish Thakur and Nabanipa Bhattacharjee

Guest post by MANISH THAKUR and NABANIPA BHATTACHARJEE Much has already been said and written about the plight of the migrants during the lockdown necessitated by the current Covid-19 outbreak in India. The visual images of their endless walk – which reminds us of the flight of Partition refugees – in their desperate bid to … Continue reading Covid-19 and the Idea of India: Manish Thakur and Nabanipa Bhattacharjee →

Professor Karol Sikora: ‘Fear is More Deadly Than COVID-19’

UnHerd host Freddie Sayers speaks with Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme.
Highlights of this discussion: 
Virus ‘getting tired’:
– In the past two weeks, the virus is showing signs of petering out

Dr John Lee Dismantles UK Government’s COVID-19 Lockdown Policy

As the UK government continues to double-down on what can only be described as a failed ‘lockdown’ policy, independent scientists and experts continue to challenge the official narrative on COVID-19 and why governments took the unusual move of shutting down entire economies and societies in order to supposedly “save lives.” Upon closer examination though, this does not appear to add up. How well were these policies thought through by politicians? Do they even make any scientific sense?

Bill Maher: ‘The Key to Beating COVID is Through Your Immune System’

EDITOR’S NOTE: This may be the first time ever that this publication has been in agreement with Bill Maher. Suffice to say, we live in hope. 
In his editorial “New Rule,” Real Time host Bill Maher argues that people should fight the coronavirus by strengthening their immune systems, rather than by sanitizing the universe.

UKC News: Gov’t Promises Miracle Vaccine by Fall, Confusion on Social Distancing

As the British government continues its disastrous COVID ‘lockdown’ experiment, officials are now struggling to communicate to the public why the policy of ‘social distancing’ is still in place, especially since it’s been scientifically shown that infections and hospitalisations already peak in early April. Also, the government and its media partners have ramped-up messaging on vaccines, promising a miracle panacea by September. But what about safety testing? All this and more. 

REVEALED: New Coronavirus Relief Bill is Political Power-play by Democratic Party

This week, the US House voted in a virtual whip line 208 to 199, to pass the third Coronavirus Relief Bill, this time totaling some $3 Trillion. The bill represents yet another round of direct cash payments for Americans, and unemployment benefits to the end of January, hazard pay for front-line workers, virus-testing efforts, contact tracing and money treatment.