UKC News: Inside Britain’s Shadow State, Using COVID Crisis to ‘Reset’ Society

As the Coronavirus crisis winds down, government officials remain desperate to squeeze every last drop of leverage to advance more control policies during the extended ‘lockdown’ phase, and to use the illusion of a continual crisis as convenient cover to ‘reshape government’ and implement further “New Normal” social engineering measures, keep schools shut, as well as kill-out what is left the SME and independent business sector.

COVID Coup: Veron Coleman on the State’s Cynical War on Humanity

Three months on from the start of this crisis, UK government and many US states continue claiming there is some urgent need to keep large swaths of their economies and societies “locked down” – supposedly in fear of some random outbreak of coronavirus. These same governments and their appointed pedantic health officials are imposing ever-more bizarre  restrictions and ‘guidelines’ designed to regulate normal social and human activities, all of which have little or no bearing on the spread of a seasonal respiratory viral infection.

Leading UK Doctor: ‘Coronavirus Could Be Gone Before Any Vaccine Arrives’

Leading oncologist Professor Karol Sikora raised eyebrows last month when he said a COVID-19 vaccine may not be needed. In this recent news segment, he explains how the coronavirus may eventually just ‘peter out’ long before any much-awaited vaccine ever arrives. But is he right? And what does this mean for the government’s ambitious new mass-testing and contact tracing regime?

UKC News: ‘More Vaccines, More Masks, More Social Distancing’

The global vaccine road show kicked off this week, hosted by the UK and Bill Gates, where global leaders were convinced to part with a further $8.8 billion for Gates’s mass vaccination project – for an alleged ‘cure’ for coronavirus which has yet to be developed. Months after the COVID has already peaked in the UK and US – and are currently fading from the medical landscape, governments are still aggressively pushing mask and social distancing policies as if they were in the heat of a real pandemic. All of this over-regulation is threatening to crater the economy even more.

Prof. Karl Friston: ‘80% Not Even Susceptible to COVID-19’

As the threat of COVID-19 quickly fades from foreground and the damage from governments’ experimental panic-driven ‘lockdown’ measures, some experts are now asking an important question: why do different countries achieved such vastly different results in terms of fatalities due to Coronavirus?
The answers to this question will undoubtedly destroy official claims that the COVID lockdown was somehow science-based, let alone justified.
As it turns out, a large percentage of the population were never susceptible to this virus.

Statistician: ‘U.S. Officials Exaggerated Their COVID Death Toll’

It’s now June, and still a number of American states are still dithering on lifting their catastrophic ‘lockdown’ policies which have decimated their economies and severely damaged society. With each passing day, more experts are going on-record to state that senseless lockdowns are actually costing lives, not saving them.

Australia: ‘Politicians Don’t Have the Guts to Admit the COVID Crisis Was Exaggerated’

Australian lockdown meant even the beaches were off limits to the public (Image Source: Broad Agenda)
Before governments decided to ‘lockdown’ whole economies and societies, politicians completely avoided any discussion over the potential collateral damage which might be incurred due to their experimental shutdown policy.