VIDEO: ‘Welcome to the New Normal’

Just as UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is announcing his government’s plan to exit the country’s self-imposed ‘lockdown,’  the public are being continually besieged with new restrictions policing all aspects of life and human interactions – all in the name of “saving lives” against what is alleged to be a ‘deadly pandemic’ of Coronavirus, which authorities still insist is a general threat to the lives of the entire population.

Prof. Sunetra Gupta: Dispelling the Myths, False Assumptions and Misinformation on COVID-19

If you thought you were being misinformed by your government officials and the media on the coronavirus crisis, then you are probably right. The following interview goes a long way to dispelling many of the myths, false assumptions and outright misinformation being spun daily regarding the true nature of the COVID-19 threat.

UKC News: Gov-Media COVID Killjoys Try to Shut Down Beaches, Pubs to Enforce Their ‘New Normal’

The hottest day of the year hits Britain, and surfs up, and government-media complex is desperate as ever to push their “second wave” fear campaign in order to try to keep beaches and pubs as empty as possible. The social distancing obsession continues in the Netherlands where a venue rolled out a bizarre beta test for COVID ‘nightclub’ during the daylight hours, bringing ‘New Normal’ charade to new heights. Meanwhile, life in most European countries is carrying on as normal without all of the colorful children’s signage and arrows on pavements.

REPORT: Andre Vltchek on Chile’s brutal ‘Corona Coup’

In EP 300 of the Sunday Wire radio program, we spoke with intrepid author and writer, Andre Vltchek, to discuss the incredible still unfolding in Chile, where the government of Sebastian Pinera has managed to engineer a “Corona Coup”, where the autocratic government has used the COVID ‘Lockdown’ quarantine and martial law to effectively sideline any political opposition whi

Matthew Crawford on Society’s Increasing Obsession with ‘Health and Safety’ Culture

One of the visible knock-on effects of the COVID crisis has been a clear acceleration by government and corporations toward a more automated society, or more aptly called the Fourth Industrial Revolution. However, long before the present crisis began, society was already being primed for this bold and concerted move towards a next-level technocracy.

Dr Vernon Coleman: Bill Gates, Governments and Their Empire of COVID ‘Stuff’

There’s just a few too many coincidences surrounding this Coronavirus crisis and the incessant promotion of “stuff” by governments, the World Health Organization, and their corporate and ‘philanthropic’ foundation sponsors.
International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, lists a number of incidents which, he believes, support the contention (shared by many) that we’re in the middle of a global conspiracy to take control of our lives. Watch: