Pandemic Propaganda: Global Media Stoke Fears of ‘Outbreak’ of Bubonic Plague

Today, we are being told by multiple mainstream media outlets that resurgence of the Black Death is on the way. But is this story really news worthy?
Fear merchants in mainstream media editorial rooms across the world seem very keen to promote the idea of a “high alert” situation in China’s Inner Mongolia region where it has been reported that one “suspected case” of Bubonic Plague was detected over the weekend.

Opposition in Meltdown as White House Admits ‘We’ll Need to Live With Coronavirus’

It’s no surprise that the White House has been struggling to come up with a singular message for its position on the coronavirus crisis. In the United States, you not only have the federal health officials who are gracing the podium daily and constantly shifting their narrative, but you also have 50 different state governors pursuing markedly different strategies regarding lockdown and mitigation.

‘We Are Not Guinea Pigs’ – South African Anti-Vaccine Movement Opposing Big Pharma

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) – Anti-vaccine protesters took to the streets in Johannesburg on Wednesday to voice their concern over Africa’s first human trials for a potential coronavirus vaccine.
Last Wednesday, the University of the Witwatersrand in partnership with Oxford University rolled out South Africa’s first clinical trial, which will consist of 2,000 volunteers.
The involvement of South Africa in vaccine trials is intended to ensure the continent will have access to an affordable vaccine and not be left at the back of the queue.

Will COVID-19 Regulations Kill Off the British Pub?

Many will agree that Pubs are a quintessential institution in Britain, and one which attracts millions of visitors to the country every year. But with the UK clocking in world’s second-highest COVID-19 death toll, the government are determined to regulate personal and group social interaction in the country, and create ever new layers of regulation – mandating personal protective equipment for hospitality workers, supposedly to protect against the dreaded “Second Wave” of a coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Simone Gold on Masks: ‘We Do Not Consent’

By Dr Simone Gold
Author’s note: The below is the Op-Ed that was accepted to USAToday on June 24. They deleted key phrases/paragraphs for their print paper and then they refused to print it at all online.

It is clear to me as a physician-lawyer that the disinformation about both Covid-19 and the Constitution has caused us to turn a medical issue into a legal crisis.

UKC News: Maxwell Arrested, UK Pubs to Open but Lockdown Threat Remains, Trump’s ‘BountyGate’ Hoax

A new shocker with the FBI arrest of Jeffrey Epstein’s former associate Ghislaine Maxwell, and naturally many are asking whether she survive to have her day in court? Britain is supposedly looking forward to “Super Saturday” on July 4th, as the Prime Minister decrees that pubs and restaurants may open for business but only if they observe strict COVID social distancing measures. Will these businesses survive this new wave of regulation.

Guide: How Social Distancing Rules Are Created

Confused about social distancing guidelines? Feel like you’re getting mixed messages from government health officials and media?
“Perhaps this is how social distancing rules are created. Social distancing guidelines are always created by the most intelligent individuals with the most amount of common sense.”
Allow JP Sears will guide you through the decision making process. Watch:

COVID: Renewed Government-Media Hype Over “Cases” Doesn’t Prove There’s a Pandemic

You might have noticed there is renewed pandemonium over new coronavirus “outbreaks” seemingly popping up everywhere around the country. This is naturally stoking more panic and fear, as well as calls to lockdown communities once again. 
If you are looking closely, you’ll be able to read between the pedantic propaganda lines and quickly dispel a lot of the hype being promulgated by technocrats and other opportunists. Their reporting usually follows a familiar pattern;

Death By Killing Old People, Not By COVID—The Basic Deception

IMAGE: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has presided over one of the worst public health disasters in American history.
The New York Times (June 27) is reporting that 43 percent of all US COVID deaths are occurring in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for the elderly. In at least 24 states, more than 50 percent of all COVID deaths are occurring in these facilities. The Times fails to mention deaths of the elderly at hospitals or, at home, cut off from family and friends. The situation is far worse than the Times makes it out to be.

Would You Trust Big Pharma with Your Life?

Fact: any vaccine can cause side effects. Still, the pharmaceutical industry and the politicians in their pay will argue that the benefits of getting a vaccine are much greater than the possible side effects. Typically, creating a working vaccine for mass adoption would take at least 4 years, but today the public are being told that “we simply can’t wait,” and that standard safety testing and research should be bypassed in order to fast track a new adjuvant vaccine for COVID-19.