Adam Creighton on Australia’s Economic Suicide as It Reimposes COVID Lockdown

Have the Australian public been brainwashed and indoctrinated by coronavirus alarmism?
Since the ‘pandemic’ began, there have only been 106 deaths attributed to COVID, and yet the Australian government’s financial outlays have been greater than combined government spending on education, defence, interest on public debt, transport and communication, public order and safety, and housing and community amenities.
According to new figures, the country’s “coronavirus response” will cost approximately 3.3% of GDP this year, and 6.1% next year.

Hitchens: UK Government Worried Its Power Will ‘Drain Away’ If Can’t Keep the Fear Up

UK columnist Peter Hitchens is criticising the ‘re-locking down’ of the city of Leicester after a supposed ‘spike’ in Covid-19 cases. But is this based on a credibly threat to public health?

“Having frightened the country stiff at the beginning, the government feels the danger that its power will drain away If it doesn’t keep the fear up.”

Neil Oliver on the Breakdown of Free Speech and Threat of Civil War

Could the current antisocial climate of political intolerance in the West lead to future violence, or even civil war? Historian Neil Oliver warns of this possibility.

“We forget how close war is. War is almost a natural state of human beings and we’ve lived in relative piece in much of Europe for a long time and we can trick ourselves into thinking that it won’t happen to us.”

UKC News: Gov’t Announces New COVID Powers, While Adding Trillions in Debt

The UK Government has released a disturbing document which outlines draconian state powers to detain and test anyone “suspected of being infected” with Coronavirus. Will these new COVID powers be used by the state to exert more social and political control over individuals? Meanwhile, governments are adding trillions in debt to the public balance sheet and expecting the public to pay it back through a decade of austerity and increased taxation.

2020: A Rough Year for Greta?

The tea leaves are beginning to turn out. This may well be the year in which the climate change movement begins to go off the rails.

It started off great, as elites and climatists descended on Davos to press home what looked to be the final mile in ramming through the adoption of some form of global Green New Deal by year’s end. Their secret weapon, a Swedish teen, was primed, locked and loaded.