Explained: America’s Fact-Free Lockdown Hysteria

Nothing about the current lockdown hysteria makes any sense. The same could be said for how government and the mainstream media are reporting the actually coronavirus and COVID-19 disease. The numbers simply do not add up, nor does the the level of hysteria in relation to the actual threat to overall public health posed by the virus itself. Clearly, the ‘cure’ is already way worse than the disease. Can western society recover from this epic boondoggle?

Philosopher John Gray: ‘Today’s Global Shift is Bigger Than 1989’

Western hegemony and globalization appear to be approaching an impasse. This moment of change appears to have been accelerated by the government-engineered lockdowns amid the COVID crisis. How significant is this time in history compared to other major watershed moments of the last 100 years?
Will the world descend into melange of competing anarcho-states, something more akin to a ‘Game of Thrones’ world?

The Libertarian Position on Coronavirus

Under the guise of the current ‘pandemic,’ governments are attempting to exercise levels of authoritarian power and control over society not seen previously in modern history. This has left society in unfamiliar territory, both legally and constitutionally. How does the non-aggression principle apply to the current raft of state-issued public health mandates? Is the current political conversation being framed correctly?

UKC News: Masks, COVID Culture are Dividing Society in UK, US

Today the UK government instituted mandatory masks in all stores and indoor public spaces, supposedly to ‘stop the spread of COVID’ – even though the virus has all but disappeared from the scene. But is their latest decree really based on real science, or are they just making it up as they go along? Also, mask culture is becoming more and more obsessive, with people literally fighting each other in supermarket aisles, but to what end? All this and much more.

Prof. Sunetra Gupta: ‘We May Already Have Herd Immunity’

A recent study from Oxford University indicates that some parts of the UK may have already reached what is known as ‘herd immunity’ from COVID, revealing “innate resistance or cross-protection from exposure to seasonal coronaviruses.” Surprisingly, instead of celebrating these findings, politicians and mainstream media are actively ignoring them, and instead are claiming the threat of COVID is on the rise, and demanding the public accept mandatory masks, vaccines and rolling lockdowns. 

Dr. Vernon Coleman: ‘These Are Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose’

The COVID crisis has given the State unprecedented new powers which politicians are more than willing to use in order to further consolidate power. Has Boris Johnson decreed mandatory masks to follow suite with Nicola Sturgeon’s diktat north of the border? But are the public aware of the long-term costs to democracy and society as whole?