Trump Suggests ‘Delaying Election’ Due to Postal Vote – Will COVID Decide 2020 Race?

This week, with the election roughly 100 days away, President Trump put forward the idea of delaying the November 3rd US presidential election, casting doubt over the integrity of the vote. As expected, his social media move triggered the mainstream press, as well as Republican leaders in Congress, who immediately opposed the notion that the election may need to be held back due to the prospect of having polls closed on the day due to COVID fears, thus leaving most Americans no other option but to mail-in their votes.

Release Prof Hany Babu – A Statement of Solidarity from his Students

We are publishing below a statement by about 350 current and former students of Hany Babu, condemning his arrest on cooked up charges, and expressing solidarity with him.   Students’ Statement of Solidarity: Release Prof. Hany Babu We, the undersigned former and current students of Prof Hany Babu M.T., condemn his arrest by the National Investigation … Continue reading Release Prof Hany Babu – A Statement of Solidarity from his Students →

UKC News: Silicon Valley, Big Pharma Team-up to Censor COVID Content Online

The UK government has taken the global lead in state-issued propaganda for COVID – so much so that they’re now exporting their expertise to foreign governments in need of help manipulating their domestic populations. Also, Silicon Valley tech firms are now actively censoring important medical and health content related to Coronavirus, which raises the issue of their financial conflict of interest with the Big Pharma firms who are spending millions in advertising on both social media and mainstream media networks.

(VIDEO) U.S. Doctors Speak Out Against COVID Hysteria

This week, a group of certified medical professions and doctors gathered in Washington DC to mount a protest against state and federal government lockdown policies, health officials banning of effective drug treatments like hydroxychloroquine, and the unwarranted shutdown of schools.
This is the first of a series of videos which have been heavily censored by Silicon Valley tech firms like YouTube.

Chicago Residents Required to Quarantine After Visiting 22 states, Threats of Huge Fines

The levels of COVID hysteria in the United Sates show no signs of abating, as Chicago’s Democrat Mayor attempts to do what no other city, or state, has attempted to date – to enforce travel quarantines on its 3 million residents.
If other cities adopt this policy, then very soon, by default, travel inside the United States – and internationally into the country – could stagnate very quickly, thus exacerbating the current economic depression. Will officials also police travel between cities too?

COVID COPS: Police Arrest Florida Gym Owner for NOT Forcing Members to Wear Masks

The current hysteria around coronavirus in America is turning police into ‘COVID Cops.’ More crucially though, is the new license being taken by authorities and police to remove civil liberties; enforcing mandatory masks, social distancing and business closures – all based on a vague public threat or ‘state of emergency.’

Incidents like this one have left many people now wondering how long it will be before similar intrusions begin into their homes.

UKC News: Gov’t Push Dodgy Numbers, Masks, in Run-up to Vaccine ‘Panacea’

This week, government renews its attempt to re-frame its dubious COVID numbers, while continuing to hide its non-existent risk assessment for mandatory masks. This is all setting the stage for the upcoming push to sell Big Pharma’s experimental vaccine. All this and much more. 
Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with the midweek news round-up. Watch:

WHO Now Claims COVID ‘Not Seasonal’ and Will Be One Constant ‘Big Wave’

By now we all know that every revision of the ‘pandemic’ narrative is always followed by new policies. So after months of promoting the idea that the public should be living in fear of a “Second Wave” of COVID19, public health officials are attempting to revise the old script in order to keep the public on edge, and willing to accept rolling lockdowns and a supposed ‘cure’ in the form of a vaccine.

HITCHENS: UK Gov’t Decision to Force Us to Wear Face Nappies Will Kill British High Street

As the UK public struggles with the latest State diktat requiring “face coverings” in retails stores, business are facing the prospect of another blow to street trade. Just as many local businesses were preparing for a comeback and hoping to capitalise on a positive second half of summer, the government has swooped in to crush their hopes with more draconian measures meant to “fight the virus” – even though COVID-19 has all but disappeared from hospitals nationwide.
Has government overplayed its hand again on managing this so-called ‘pandemic’?