COVID Vérité: Leading French Expert Destroys Gov’t Case for Masks and Lockdown

For months, government officials in countries like the United States and Britain have been claiming that the world is in the midst of an unprecedented ‘pandemic’. But how much of this crisis is truly down to a pathogen and how much is really down to governments’ reactionary lockdown policies? Are decisions really being made based on sound science, or are they being made based on hype and hysteria?

Van Morrison Protests Against COVID Gig Limits, Says Policy Based on ‘Pseudoscience’

(Image Source: Wikicommons)
Music legend Van Morrison is pushing back against government social distancing regulations, and says that COVID shutdown rules are based shaky “pseudoscience.” The 74 year-old multiple Grammy Award-winning singer believes that the raft of oppressive government rules could ruin the live music and hospitality industry.

REVEALED: How Bill Gates Buys Mainstream Outlets, Journalists and ‘Fact-Checkers’

Over the last decade, a small group of billionaire philanthropists have quietly moved into to seize control of key nodes of media, government policy, and education. They claim that they are merely trying to ‘fill in the funding gaps at struggling news organizations’ – especially in the wake of the coronavirus ‘pandemic.’ By far, the biggest player in this network is the Gates Foundation.

Dr Dolores Cahill Speech in Dublin Destroys Gov’t Argument for COVID Lockdown, Masks and Vaccines

Since the onset of the COVID crisis, one of the most censored people on social media has been Dr. Dolores Cahill from Ireland – targeted by corporate censors at Silicon Valley firms like YouTube and Google, and automatically flagged by the automated ‘fact checker’ censorship feature on Facebook. So-called ‘third party fact-checkers’ from mainstream corporate media outlets like USA Today, AFP, Science Feedback – claim to know more about biological science than Dr. Cahill, and they believe they are entitled to shutdown her views and opinions aired on social media platforms.