UKC News: Govt’s COVID ‘Moonshot’ Seeks ‘Daily Testing’, Assange Trial Halted by Virus Scare

Just as the the virus is disappearing, the UK government is taking the fascist plunge – imposing even more strict draconian measures that when the lockdown began back at April. Government are invoking the bizarre “Rule of 6” which says that more than six people cannot meet anywhere for fear of harsh fines, as well as harassment from newly deputised “COVID Marshalls” meant to enforce the government’s ever confusing and nonsensical social distancing laws.

Tony Blair Calling for Digital IDs, Immunity Passports

NO REST FOR THE WICKED: Tony Blair relentlessly pushing the global surveillance agenda.
One lesson we all should have learned from the early 2000s is that whatever issue or agenda Tony Blair is pushing should be viewed with suspicion, as it almost always ends up being nefarious. As one of history’s most egregious living war criminals, he’s damaged goods, and thus highly malleable by his career paymasters – the transnational banking elite.

Prof Michael Levitt: ‘The COVID Panic Will Shorten Lives’

UnHerd reports…
Professor Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize winner and Professor of Structural Biology at Stanford, was one of our early interviews during the lockdown era. Partly due to that interview, which has been watched over 750,000 times on YouTube, he became a leading dissenting scientist, arguing that the trends of Covid-19 were revealed in the numbers, and that they were much less scary than most people thought.

COVID Panic: 11 University Students Dismissed for Gathering in Hotel Room

IMAGE: This fall, US college students are “masking-up” and social distancing – all in order to protect them from ‘the virus’.
(BOSTON) – Northeastern University said Friday it has dismissed 11 freshman students for the fall semester for violating campus social distancing guidelines after they were discovered in the same hotel room.

UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa

This really should be one of the biggest public health scandals of the decade, but instead it’s given little attention – mainly because of the high-profile nature of the people and organisations involved.
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.

Censors Scrambling After CDC Death-O-Meter Malfunctions

Since the beginning of the COVID crisis, the numbers have hardly ever added up.
“With the stunning information just released by the CDC about the COVID death count, you might be wondering what to do. Should you be living with more fear, or should you be living with a lot more fear? Well in this video, your trusted health authority will be telling you exactly what to think and feel.”
Satirist JP Sears explains what you really need to know about his latest cock-up at the CDC. Watch:

UKC News: ‘Case-demic’ Exposed and Why Gov’t COVID Narrative is Collapsing

As people return from their ‘Stay-cation’ summer holidays, many schools and businesses are now wanting to open up, which poses a dilemma for politicians and government health officials – who risk losing much of the power they’ve managed to accumulate over the last 6 months by fostering an air of “pandemic” hysteria, and by promulgating fears of a second wave of coronavirus ‘cases.’ In this program we show how the main testing systems don’t actually work and how case numbers are being inflated by government in order to justify roll-out an obvious totalitarian and technocrat