Elon Musk: ‘I Won’t Take the COVID Vaccine’ – Calls Bill Gates a ‘Knucklehead’

Telsa and SpaceX founder Elon Musk dropped another media bomb this week, stating that neither he nor his family will be taking the experimental COVID-19 vaccine which is being fast-tracked by governments and pharmaceutical giants. Musk added that he won’t be partaking in the vaccine roll-out, even if it was readily available.

Bankers’ Corona Coup: UK Gov’t Debt Tops £2 Trillion – With No End in Sight

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ is accelerating the consolidation of finance and industry across the globe. This is beyond debate now; it’s as obvious as our climbing unemployment and record-levels of business closures – both clear indicators that a real economic depression is underway.

Understanding Europe’s Phony ‘Second Wave’

Indeed, something very strange is happening in Europe and the UK with regards to the much hyped “Second Wave” of the novel coronavirus ‘pandemic’ which governments and mainstream media have been saying is inevitable now for 6 months.
The so-called ‘experts’ all seem to be aloof and baffled by the paradox on display – a  huge second wave of so-called cases’ (people who have tested PCR positive for coronavirus), but with only a few hospitalizations, and absolutely no increase in deaths.

British Radio Host Cuts Up His ‘Woke’ Mask Live on Air

Has the mask become the new badge of virtue signalling for the political left?
Talk Radio host Mark Dolan railed against the Corona masks saying:
“No wonder people are beginning to rebel. The inconsistent mask message makes no sense. Wearing a mask is the new woke. It’s state sponsored virtue signalling on a grand scale.”
As Dolan cut up his mask live on air, he warned about the dangers of groupthink mass-hysteria:

Denmark Heads to Pre-COVID Normality: No Masks or Distancing in Schools, Just Common Sense

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

One of the more diabolical aspects of the protracted COVID ‘crisis’ in countries like the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia, is the intellectually dishonest claim that Coronavirus in their countries is somehow different from the Coronavirus in other western countries. 

David Ellis Report: UK Police & Military Fusion Under Colour of COVID

Is the British government drifting into deep unconstitutional waters?
David Ellis reports on the new policy of merging the police and military forces, as Boris Johnson takes early steps towards his Coronavirus response plan, which appears to be mirroring an earlier ‘fusion’ plan called Operation Temperer. But how long has this latest policy been in the making, and whose policy is it anyway? Is it democratic? Will the government ever rescind their emergency powers? Watch:

UKC News: ‘Boris Now Drifting Into COVID No Man’s Land’

This week Boris Johnson and the British government doubled-down on their deteriorating COVID lockdown narrative, now claiming that the nation will have to endure ‘great sacrifices’ for another 6 months in order to supposedly ‘defeat the virus’ – even though hospital admissions have been at near zero for months now. Has the government pushed the gag too far now?
Co-hosts Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with the midweek news round-up. Watch:

Thoughts on a Corona Thereafter: “Do You Remember a Winter Without a Cold?”

Daniel Jeanmonod MD
In the context of the current overwhelming worldwide COVID-19 panic wave, this text has as goal to provide, on a differentiated scientific basis, a different view of the corona crisis than the one still dominantly presented in the mainstream media and used by many governments and their experts to maintain protection measures imposed on whole populations.