2020: The Year Western Medicine Really Lost the Plot
Dr. Sam Bailey | Post-COVID, can modern western medicine ever redeem itself after the pandemic fiasco?
Dr. Sam Bailey | Post-COVID, can modern western medicine ever redeem itself after the pandemic fiasco?
Guest post by IRSHAD RASHID ‘Something is rotten in the state of Denmark’, laments Hamlet, the Prince in the eponymous play by Shakespeare. Today everything seems rotten in the Indian State. The way lives are being lost amidst this raging pandemic – with the wilful indifference and callousness of the Indian State and its … Continue reading Image Management and Rhetoric – India’s Tale of Pandemic catastrophe: Irshad Rashid →
21WIRE | We've always known that any disease requires symptoms, but common sense has been abandoned during the Covid crisis.
Brian Berletic | At every turn, industry cartels are undermining genuine alternatives to their corporate hegemony. It's time for ordinary people to play a direct role in helping expand to prevail over them.
UKC News | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.
21WIRE | By allowing governments to imposing mandatory COVID lockdowns, the people have unknowingly stepped into a larger green trap.
21WIRE | All-cause mortality reaches record lows, as the government ministers scramble to find ways to increase public fear of Covid.
21WIRE | As countries like the UK continue to ramp-up the pandemic hysteria, the Danes gradually phase out problematic Covid passports and other redundant rules.
21WIRE | "You could call psychology ‘mind control’. That’s what we do."
21WIRE | Is the risk of an adverse reaction or fatality from a vaccine greater than the risk of dying from COVID?