Appeal for Contributions – A Citizens’ Initiative to Provide Humanitarian Relief to the City’s Working Classes

In the wake of the health and subsistence crisis triggered by the rapid spread of Covid-19 in India, the Citizen Collective for Humanitarian Relief, in association with the Centre for Education & Communication, is organizing emergency distribution of food among the working-class families of Delhi NCR.

UKC News: Coronavirus Cancels Democracy, Creates Bailouts and Coup d’etats

Markets and economies continue to collapse as the West struggles to deal with the novel coronavirus, and so does democracy – with the US and UK changing their protocols and supposedly forced to flout their own constitutions in order to impose a state of emergency. Meanwhile, the data and numbers being presented by some governments regarding the fatality rates fail to paint an accurate picture of the true situation. Will societies and democracies survive the fall-out from policy decisions made by Western leaders?  All this and more.

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Coronavirus in China, South America

In EP 319 of the SUNDAY WIRE, host Patrick Henningsen speaks intrepid writer, filmmaker and author of 18 books, Andre Vltchek, who just completed an around the world journey, passing through numerous airports and coronavirus/COVID 19 quarantine zones on three continents. Andre describes the difference between the ‘crisis’ in China, Hong Kong, Europe, South America, and the rest of the world. Listen:

INTERVIEW: Olsi Jazexhi on Coronavirus Martial Law in Albania

In EP 319 of the SUNDAY WIRE, host Patrick Henningsen speaks with writer, journalist and educator, Olsi Jazexhi, for a report on the lock-down in Albania now in its third week, with bread riots already starting. This is a truly harrowing story of how one European government used the coronavirus COVID 19 ‘pandemic’ to suspend democracy and declare full-blown Martial Law. Make no mistake about it – this is a “Corona Coup” d’etat. Listen:

UKC News: ‘Why Government Coronavirus Numbers Don’t Add Up’

After all lock-downs and economic shutdowns – the numbers and statistics which are being presented to the public do not actually add up, and appear to be mischaracterizing the severity of the ‘pandemic’ threat. This episode breaks down various key aspects of this problem, as well as looking at UK government’s suspension of democracy this week. All this and more.

Co-hosts Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with the midweek news round-up. Watch:

Weaponising Idiocy: Milk-Drinking Ganesha to Taali Bajao

Then and now, a conservative Hindutva organisation had a role in spreading rumours. Representational image. | Image Courtesy: Deccan Herald   Yad ihasti tad anyatra, yan nehasti na tat kavcit. ‘Whatever is here might be elsewhere, but what is not here could ever be found’.—The Mahabharata, 1.56.33, from Meera Nanda’s The God Market: How Globalisation is Making India More Hindu, Random … Continue reading Weaponising Idiocy: Milk-Drinking Ganesha to Taali Bajao →