Dr Shiva Blasts Lockdown, ‘Medieval Medicine’ of Fauci, Bill Gates and W.H.O.

Scientist and health freedom advocate, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD and biological systems expert, is now challenging the authority and “medieval medicine” decisions being made by America’s self-appointed technocratic medical elite, namely Dr Anthony Fauci and colleague billionaire oligarch and vaccine developer, Bill Gates. Is the pharmaceutical industrial complex using the fear surrounding the COVID-19 crisis in order to leverage government policy and seize power over decision making? 

Short Film: No It’s Not God (It’s Just Bill Gates)

If you haven’t yet noticed, Microsoft founder and billionaire oligarch Bill Gates is everywhere right now, hoping to leverage the current chaos to advance his life’s work to vaccinate every man woman and child on the planet earth. The closer you look at this globalist billionaire and transnational corporate network, the more bizarre and frightening it becomes.

Truthstream Media presents “Look Who’s Coming to the Rescue!”

UKC News: Why is Bill Gates Driving Gov’t Policy for COVID19 and Vaccines?

As the UK goes into its fourth week of forced ‘lockdown’ and government-induced economic and societal shutdown, more people, as well as experts are beginning to seriously question whether the draconian policies have been taken on legitimate grounds. Government insists they are ‘guided by the science’, but it seems that’s not all they are being guided by. Driving policy is ‘philanthropic’ oligarch Bill Gates and his coterie of Big Pharma partners. 

COVID-19 Panic Merchants: Lies, Conspiracies and Statistics (Oh, and Science)

“The unwarranted panic was engendered by narcissistic doctors and leveraged by psychopathic politicians to grab power. Misinformation is deliberately spread by unscrupulous doctors and increasingly more tyrannical authorities. Examples: the case fatality rate of SARS Cov-2 is the same as the flu virus, not higher – and asymptomatic carriers of the virus are not infectious. As the pandemic proceeds apace. at least in the hysterical media, hospitals are becoming major vectors of transmission.

Peter Hitchens Dismantles the Government’s Lockdown Policy

History is replete with examples of ill-considered overreactions by the state in times of war and crisis. Has the UK government’s course of action to actually undermined its own stated goals? In the case of the coronavirus outbreak, we’re told it’s all about ‘saving lives,’ but will their actions cost more lives than it supposedly saves?
John Anderson Show says…

E-commerce platforms: Corona Warriors or Disaster Capitalists?

This is a Guest Post by ANITA GURUMURTHY and NANDINI CHAMY   In 2007, in her book, ‘Shock Doctrine’, Naomi Klein argued that history is a chronicle of “shocks” – the shocks of wars, natural disasters, and economic crises, but more importantly, of their aftermath characterised by disaster capitalism, calculated, free-market “solutions” to crises that … Continue reading E-commerce platforms: Corona Warriors or Disaster Capitalists? →