Agony of COVID-19 and the Lockdown – Who is Afraid of ‘Class’? Maya John

Guest post by MAYA JOHN This essay is the second part of a two-part series on Society in the Time of Covid 19. The first part appeared in Kafila on 5 April and can be read here. The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas…Karl Marx, The German Ideology (1845) … Continue reading Agony of COVID-19 and the Lockdown – Who is Afraid of ‘Class’? Maya John →

China’s New ‘Coronavirus’ Surveillance Grid: 24/7 Tracking, Big Data, Drones – A Permanent State

As the crisis matures in the West, many people, politicians and media continue to point to China as the gold standard now for ‘managing the pandemic.’ However, few in the West have stopped to consider whether China’s crisis management and authoritarian social control grid is really appropriate for democratic societies around the world.

COVID-19: Bill Gates Continues to Misrepresent Science and the Coronavirus

Independent analyst Andrew Maher reports…
“On 5th April Bill Gates told us everything we need to do to stop the virus. It’s just not quite how people have interpreted it. 26 million viewers were misled. Bill Gates told the truth and people didn’t even notice. He also misrepresented the coronavirus, its behaviour and what we need to do to respond entirely. Find out what you should have realised before the government got you to go to your homes.” Watch:

Minnesotans Protest State Lockdown – Defying Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma Agenda

More lockdown backlash today across the United States, this time in Minnesota, as protesters lined the streets of Governor Tim Waltz’s mansion residence, captured on video by CBS Minnesota:

Minnesotans are joining citizens of other states now in defying the Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma lockdown agenda.

UKC News: Government Doubles Down on COVID-19 Lockdown, Pushing Vaccine Solution

As the UK enters its fourth week of ‘lockdown’ and with the crisis having already peaked, the government remains noncommittal  and hesitant to give the pubic any indication when draconian quarantine measures will finally be lifted. However, upon closer examination of the data and the actual science, there appears to be another deeper agenda at play, as multiple political leaders across the lockdown states are now simultaneously calling for a mandatory ‘pharmaceutical solution’ to crisis.

US Lockdown Numbers Never Real: So-called ‘Experts’ Simply Lied

In the US, trillions of dollars have already been spent – all based on the fear that the experts’ models were correct. Trust in Fauci. Trust in Trump. Trust in Cuomo. But were they ever right? After weeks of doomsday death predictions and around-the-clock fearmongering by both the US mainstream media and government officials, the true picture is finally emerging from the ‘fog of war’ and it’s not a pretty one, not for anyone – and most of all not for numerous ‘experts’ who have been pushing their ‘lockdown’ policies.