
WATCH: Open Source Education – #SolutionsWatch

We all know the problem’s with the public miseducation system. But what’s the answer? Corbett in the Classroom, of course! Join James Corbett as he explores his new page,, and talks about the inspiration for this idea (and the guerrilla marketing campaign that is accompanying it) with Ernest Hancock of Sources, shownotes and …

What We Are Not Allowed to Say

Christine E. Black Censorship imperils cultures and civilization. When governments and elites prohibit speaking or writing without threats, shaming, or epithets meant to shut down discussion, free thinking dies. People also die. A censorship industrial complex grew around Covid hysteria, which began as a war on a virus. New full-blown wars, with guns, bombs, tanks, …

WATCH: Freedom’s the Answer! (What’s the Question?) #SolutionsWatch

So you want to know the answer, do you? You know: The Answer. Well, freedom’s the answer! (What’s the question?) Joining James to demonstrate this point and discuss a few of the details are Keith Knight, Managing Editor of The Libertarian Institute and editor of The Voluntaryist Handbook, and Larken Rose, author of The Most Dangerous Superstition and …

Why are the globalists calling “Climate Change” a “Public Health Crisis”?

Kit Knightly The global elite plan to introduce a near-permanent “global state of emergency” by re-branding climate change as a “public health crisis” that is “worse than covid”. This is not news. But the ongoing campaign has been accelerating in recent weeks. I have written about this a lot over the last few years – …

The Great Reset Part 1: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Simon Elmer ‘The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are connected in many ways — in the way they extend digital capabilities; in the way they scale, emerge and embed themselves in our lives; in their combinatorial power; and in their potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.’ Klaus Schwab, …