cover up

NarcoNews: Former ICE Informant Sues US Prosecutors, Federal Agents

Litigation Claims US Officials Conspired to Silence the Informant & Cover-up Their Role in the House of Death Murders
By Bill Conroy-NarcoNews
A former US government informant who penetrated one of the most ruthless drug organizations in Mexico has filed a multi-million dollar lawsuit against a group of federal prosecutors and agents as well as several county sheriffs and detention-facility officials alleging they acted in a conspiracy to violate his civil rights.

The EyeOpener Report- Obama’s War on Whistleblowers (And What to Do About It)

The gulf that exists between the Obama of the campaign trail and Obama’s actions since taking office has been glaringly obvious since the very beginning of his presidency, from his promise to close Guantanamo to his promise not to employ lobbyists to his promise to increase governmental transparency; there have been no shortage of examples of Obama’s duplicity.

The EyeOpener Report- Compromised: How the National Security State Blackmails the Government

While the world watches every twist and turn in the unfolding Edward Snowden drama, the story becomes less and less about the information he revealed and more and more about an international manhunt. But if the issues of PRISM and spying on China and GCHQ’s spying at the G20 are falling off the radar, then how much further off the radar is the story of Russell Tice?