covenant theology

Amazing Prophecies of Hosea: Baal Sex Cults & The Messiah – Jay Dyer (Half)

Hosea begins the Minor Prophets in the Orthodox Study Bible, and is often overlooked. However, Hosea is cited numerous times by Christ and St. Paul as being fulfilled in multiple aspects with the arrival of the Messiah and the Church, the Kingdom of God. For the full talk, subscribe at at the membership links.
Audio Only:

The Western Loss of Theophanies, Descent & Recapitulation of Christ

By: Jay Dyer
“Thy mystery of the incarnation of the Word bears the power of all hidden meanings and figures of Scripture as well as the knowledge of visible and intelligible creatures. The one who knows the mystery of the cross and the tomb knows the reason of things. And the one who has been initiated into the ineffable power of the Resurrection knows the purpose for which God originally made all things.” (St. Maximos the Confessor, Chapters on Knowledge, 1.66)

Vid – Philosophy Interview: Archbishop Alexander on Dionysius the Areopagite – Jay Dyer

During the OCA DOS Conference 2017, Chattanooga TN, (the local church is St. Tikhon Mission in Lookout Valley), Archbishop Alexander of Dallas and the South discusses Dionysius the Areopagite with a crowd at the Davidoff Lounge in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bp. Alexander is consider the foremost living authority on the Dionysian corpus.