
Here is a chart predicting which countries will have a coup or regime change in 2017

As the saying goes…
“Why has there never been a coup in Washington D.C.?”
The answer: “Because there is no U.S. Embassy in Washington D.C.”
The answer highlights how  every country on the planet (with a US embassy) is at risk at having their government overthrown. We saw it Ukraine two years ago. Almost saw it in Turkey last year.

The U.S. Interfered In Foreign Presidential Elections 81 Times From 1946-2000

U.S. President Harry Truman, left, and Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, right, stand together on Oct. 23, 1951. The coup d’état that led to the democratically elected Mossadegh’s ouster two years later was orchestrated by the U.S. CIA, declassified documents confirm. (Photo/Abbie Rowe via Wikimedia Commons)

Oligarchs, Bankers, and Swindlers

Amid raging corruption, social pathologies and outright political thuggery, a new gang of vassal regimes has taken-over Latin America. The new rulers are strictly recruited as the protégé’s of US financial and banking institutions. Hence the financial press refers to them as the “new managers” – of Wall Street.
The US financial media has once again provided a political cover for the vilest crimes committed by the ‘new managers’ as they launch their offensive against labor and in favor of the foreign and domestic financiers.

Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- Coups, False Flag Operations, Hearts & Minds

Welcome to our twelfth episode of Probable Cause. Today, with this episode, we are starting a new subtopic that is directly related to our macro subject. We are going to talk about strategic operations and synthetic events as catalysts to bring about forceful and rapid changes. We are going to talk about coups: Coup as in coups d'etat; coups d'etat as in "stroke of the state,” and defined as a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics.