
US/Russia meeting. Israel bombings & FSA goes to US meets Hagel & AIPAC

 With two updates! One for the Canadians...............Israel bombs Syria with depleted uranium bombs, which would be a war crime if it was anyone else..Unless something appears we are looking at an expansion of war.So it begins.....going long read to the end!Hoping everyone noticed that immediately after Israel struck Damascus, aiding the NATO Islamic army of terrorists, the news fell off the proverbial front page?Strike anyone as odd? Israel didn’t gloat, which they usually do.In fact Israel went to lengths to downplay what had happened??

Syria: a Toast to Israeli State Terrorism

By Julie Webb-Pullman | Palestine Chronicle | May 6 2013
Made in the USA. (Photo: Julie Webb-Pullman)

While the United States peddled the threat of chemical weapon use to justify its arming of the ‘opposition’ in Syria, Israel destroyed a chemical research facility near Damascus which was allegedly developing such weapons – thus unleashing every single potentially-poisonous particle on the Syrian public.