Costa Rica

The Costa Rica Lesson

I recently returned from a holiday in Costa Rica, a country I’d wanted to visit for some years. I bought two T-shirts there. One has an image of an automatic rifle with a flower sticking out its barrel and the words “NO ARMY” written across it in the colour of blood. The other T-shirt has an image of an artillery piece, with the words “No army since 1948” on it.

Woot! Costa Rica Has Been Running Solely on Renewable Electricity Again … for 80 Days

Costa Rica has hit a new milestone: the country has been running on 100% renewable energy for the past 2 months solid, which is an amazing achievement in terms of sustainable energy. This is the second time in 2 years that this occurred.
Right now, the country is leading the way in renewable energy, as this new streak tacks on from 150 days where only geothermal and hydrothermal power generation were used. The country hopes to become totally carbon-neutral by 2021. [1]

A Climate for Change, Islam and the Environment

Earth Day arrived and passed with marginal coverage, awareness or acknowledgement this year.  To be fair, it was a heavy news cycle, the passing of music legend and icon Prince a day before, continuing primary election coverage and a host of other local concerns held sway.  Intended to create awareness of and for the environment, considering humanity’s centuries old assault, Earth Day is more relevant now then ever.

Tips for considerate travel in Costa Rica

The first direct flights from the UK to Costa Rica launch this month, making it cheaper and easier than ever before to reach this popular eco-tourism destination. But more people isn’t necessarily a good thing. Lorenza Bacino offers her top tips for seeing Costa Rica in a positive wayThe post Tips for considerate travel in Costa Rica appeared first on Positive News.

States of hope and states of concern

By Bjorn Hilt | International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War | January 11, 2016 At the UN General assembly last fall there was an essential vote on the future of mankind. Resolution number A/RES/70/33 calling for the international society to take forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations had been submitted by Austria, Brazil, Chile, […]