Cory Gardner

Colorado Republicans Are Wondering Who They Actually Nominated To Run For The Senate

Only 11 Republicans voted against the draconian anti-DREAMers bill that passed Friday night night, mostly Republicans in vulnerable seats with large Latino constituencies like Jeff Denham (R-CA), David Valadao (R-CA), and Joe Heck (R-NV). But one name that stood out on the list of 11 who wouldn't back the Ted Cruz/Steve King anti-Hispanic caucus bill was Colorado extreme right-winger Cory Gardner.

Secession In Northern Colorado Being Fueled By Big Oil?

Cory Gardner is a very right-wing backbencher from eastern Colorado. He found himself in Congress after the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010 swept away a confused and worthless Blue Dog, Betsy Markey, her Democratic base refusing to come out to vote for her after she ignored them and voted with the Republicans over and over again. A Tancredo-disciple, Gardner is probably best known in his state as an anti-immigrant fanatic and a virulent racist and bigot. He was reelected last November 59-37%. Now there is a movement in 8 of the counties in his district trying to secede from Colorado.