Correct the Record

Clinton Campaign Deploys $1 Million in Super PAC Money to Troll Social Media Critics

What is it with the Hillary cult?
As a lifelong Democrat who will be enthusiastically voting for Bernie Sanders in next week’s Pennsylvania primary, I have trouble understanding the fuzzy rosy filter through which Hillary fans see their champion. So much must be overlooked or discounted—from Hillary’s compulsive money-lust and her brazen indifference to normal rules to her conspiratorial use of shadowy surrogates and her sociopathic shape-shifting in policy positions for momentary expedience.

Hillary PAC spending $1m to ‘forcefully correct’ social media trolls

RT |  April 22, 2016 A pro-Hillary Clinton Super Pac is spending serious money to tackle negative Clinton comments across social media. Describing its focus as being “to defend Hillary Clinton from baseless attacks”, Correct the Record is launching a digital taskforce and investing over $1million to “push back on online harassment”. “Correct The Record […]