
Orange County Conservative Lou Correa Still Calls Himself A Democrat For Some Reason

Lou Correa, California's worst Democrat in CongressBack before the November election, we warned Democrats that the leading "Democratic" candidate. Lou Correa had a long and horrible record from his time in the state legislature as a fake Democrat. Correa's Orange County district-- CA-46: Anaheim, Santa Ana and Orange-- is very blue.

Does The Democratic Party Still Stand For Working Families? That Depends How You Define "Democratic Party"

Many of us are watching the clock tick down to November 8, election day. But millions of American workers have their eyes set a few weeks further down the calendar to December 1 when a Department of Labor rule kicks in that will double the salary threshold-- from from $23,660 to $47,476-- at which workers get overtime pay for overtime work.

Laughing at Snowden’s Asylum Requests

Consortium News | July 18, 2013

The mainstream U.S. news media has been chuckling over the “irony” of NSA leaker Edward Snowden asking asylum from Latin American countries purported to suppress press freedom. But the smugness misses both the complex realities abroad and the U.S. government’s own assaults on information, says a group of scholars.
An Open Letter to the Media: