corporate governance

Violence and the State: Equifax

White-collar criminologist Bill Black and Aaron Mate discuss the massive Equifax data breach on The Real News Network (source)by Gaius PubliusAccording to the Associated Press the credit reporting and data storage agency Equifax has suffered a massive data breach, and information on 143 million people — including "credit card and Social Security numbers, addresses and birth dates," plus potentially a whol

Senate Democrats Will Filibuster Gorsuch...Maybe

Demos President Heather McGhee on Neil Gorsuch and his corporatist policies (cued partway into the presentation)by Gaius PubliusThere a long litany of reasons why Neil Gorsuch is a terrible choice for the Supreme Court, including and especially his strong "corporatist" leanings. Demos President Heather McGhee speaks about that in the brief video above.

Business Watch: The K-cup people "K-capitulate" (not my pun!), reopening their closed 2.0 system to strange un-pre-cupped coffee

The Breakfast Blend is a light roast, and so has practically no flavor (is breakfast time a "no flavor" zone?), but Green Mountain sells a quite drinkable medium-roast Vermont Country Blend -- and a dark-roast French Roast for people who've been trained by Starbucks to prefer their coffee beans roasted till they screech for KenSince my only contact with Keurig-style coffee-making is in the office, where we have a very nice machine, but one that's apparently first-ge

Is there a candidate prepared to take on "the biggest douchebag 'Democrat' in New York"? Maybe so!

Yes, that's him in the nearest foreground: the biggest douchebag "Democrat" in New York, NYS Senate Majority Co-Leader and President Pro Tempore Jeff Klein. (Our Jeff is chatting with onetime -- one very brief time -- Senate Majority Sort-of-Leader Malcolm Smith.)"What's good for General Motors is good for the U.S.A."-- now-obsolete old saying"What's good for New York State Sen. Jeff Klein is good for New York State Sen.

2012: The Year That "Idiocracy" Moments Broke the Scale, Part 1

As our friend Bil pointed out in a comment on our colleague Noah's Sunday evening post "Need a last-minute Christmas gift suggestion?," Noah has not done one of his traditional blockbuster multipart end-of-year holiday series. I'm afraid plates have been rather full in the Noah household this holiday season, but I thought what we might do is to repeat last year's enormously popular series based on one of Noah's favorite films, Mike Judge's Idiocracy.