
Salt of the Earth and Foot Soldiers

Context of this Article This article didn’t just arise from nowhere. It is preceded by decades of my researching and writing about America’s “corpocracy,” or what I call the “Devil’s Marriage” between the superior power elite of corporate America, particularly throughout eleven sectors of organized endeavor, and the subordinate power elite of government America in […]
The post Salt of the Earth and Foot Soldiers first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Diogenes Revisited with a Twist

Diogenes, as you may know, was an ancient Greek philosopher “in search of an honest man.” He apparently never found one. Being a cynic and a moralist, he may never have expected to find one. The Twist In his book, Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us, Ralph Nader picked the wrong people.1  People like Warren […]
The post Diogenes Revisited with a Twist first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Bloodletters

Bloodletting as a medical practice flourished for thousands of years before finally yielding to more “enlightened” medicine except in special circumstances. One of history’s ironies is that America’s first president, George Washington, a bloodthirsty warrior before and during his presidency, died arguably from bloodletters called in to his bedside to let out one-fourth of his blood.

Chambers of Ill Repute

The powerless voices for the common good of America are ignored. Congress, through its decisions and actions, betray the very idea of public service for the common good. And the American people know it. Congress’ reputation has continued to nosedive, with only 10-15% of the populace currently approving its conduct.
The aim of this essay is to take an honest look at a dishonest assembly and then will close by proposing that the corporate escort service on Capitol Hill be replaced with honest and knowledgeable people dedicated to providing public service.