Cornel West

Sanders Supporters Begin to Abandon Clinton

Ignore Chris Matthews' aggressive pro-Clinton badgering. Focus on Turner's determination to keep her progressive powder dry ... for the Gaius PubliusI'm not saying this is a trend ... yet ... and I'm presenting this just as news, not as something I do or do not want to happen.Frankly, part of me is watching this drama with a novelist's fascination, or more accurately, with a novel reader's fascination.

The TPP And The Democratic National Convention

John Laesch our old friend-- a union carpenter and the former Illinois congressional candidate who began the process of ending Denny Hastert's disgraceful career-- is still very much a Democratic Party activist in Illinois. When the House voted to grant President Obama fast track authority to ram the TPP through Congress with minimal fuss and bother, Illinois House delegation was split-- 9 for and 9 against... but then a few days before the vote one of the crooks in the delegation, pro-TPP Aaron Schock, was forced to resign in a corruption scandal that's still unfolding.

Yes, Bernie Sanders Can Win-- The Democratic Nomination AND The Presidency

The Clinton team has bragged to their allies in the media that Hillary has nothing to worry about because she has a "Southern firewall" and she has more than 400 of the 700 so-called "super delegates," the anti-democratic vehicle the Democratic Party uses to make sure it's next to impossible for a non-insider to get anywhere at the convention.

Revolutionary Emancipation and Religion

Religion and left revolution may seem like opposite ends of an insurmountable spectrum.  After all, today’s media reminds us constantly of religion’s intolerance regarding the lives of women and its various justifications for war whether it’s waging holy war or justifying imperial ones.  Realistically, though, religion is not always reactionary.  Indeed, if one looks at history, it has often been used to justify liberation and social justice.

Left Forum Conference Ignores US-NATO Genocide

The Left Forum’s tenth annual conference was held this year at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, part of the City University of New York. Left Forum describes itself as “convening “the largest annual conference of a broad spectrum of left and progressive intellectuals, activists, academics, organizations and the interested public.”