
Over 40 Rodent Feeding Studies Show GM Food is Disastrous to Health

GMO Free USA has published a listing of more than 40 rodent studies showing that animals fed GM corn and soy suffer dire results. For those who say there is no ‘science’ to prove that GMOs are unsafe, I enjoin them to peruse the following list. [1]

Among the ailments suffered by the rats fed Roundup Ready or Bt-toxin GM-feed were:

Farmer Finds Surprising Results When He Sends GMO Crop ‘Dust’ to Lab

It should come as no surprise that crop dust – that is, dirt and other contaminants that accumulate mostly during harvest season – is full of some questionable ingredients. What one farmer found when he sent some dust from his hog building outside his brother’s and father’s farms where they grow Liberty Link and Roundup Ready corn is a little more shocking.

PhD Says Monsanto Has Been Lying About Safety of Cry Proteins in GM Bt Crops

In a recent interview on Food Sleuth Radio, Dr. Hansen exposes Monsanto’s latest contrivance – that Bt toxic corn is ‘safe’ to eat. Dr. Hansen provides ‘clean’ science through Consumer Reports that has no private backing, and certainly none by the GM industry.
Hansen states that biotechnology allows you to move genetic traits from any possible source – viruses, bacteria, animals, humans, etc. and put them into plants. This is what allowed scientists to make Bt corn and other Bt crops, and then patent them.

Monsanto’s GMO Bt Toxins Found in 93% of Pregnant Women

Have you heard of the genetically modified Bt toxin implemented into Monsanto’s GMO Bt crops such as corn and soy as a biopesticide? Maybe you have, but did you know that this registered insecticide is showing up in people around the world? A Canadian Hospital tested for Bt toxins in the blood serum of pregnant women and their unborn babies by sending their umbilical cord blood to a lab. Their findings were more than troubling.

African Experts Reject Monsanto’s Drought-Resistant GM Maize

Might Monsanto play a role in California’s drought? If the company isn’t causing it directly, it at least plans to profit from it. To whit – the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), just lodged an appeal to South African Agriculture, Water Affairs, and Forestry Minister, Senzeni Zokwana, against the general release approval of Monsanto’s genetically modified (GM) maize, MON87460.

Could This New ‘Organic Ready’ Corn Help End Monsanto?

In the world of Round Up Ready corn and other genetically modified crops, we’re in dire need of another ‘solution.’ Frank Kutka has been working on ‘Organic Ready’ corn for over 15 years as an all-around answer to biotech’s cancer causing crops.
Kutka is a plant breeder who has been attempting to grow corn that naturally resists GM crop contamination through cross-pollination, thus eliminating Monsanto’s prevalently grown GMO corn from infesting organic farmer’s crops.

US Farmers Going Out of Business Due to GM Crop Contamination

If you’re a farmer who wants to grow any crops that aren’t owned by the biotech industry, you had better be ready to burn some money. At least this is what organic farmers are saying, who are trying to grow organic crops but can’t due to pollen drift and cross-pollination. That’s right: GMO crops are contaminating the organic crops we’re fighting so hard to keep.