Conversion Therapy

No, G.K. Chesterton Was Not Gay-- But Ralph Reed Was

Bill Maher had some fun with right wing hustler and hypocrite Ralph Reed on his show Friday night. Reed, the head of the so-called Faith and Freedom Coalition, a GOP front group dedicated to electing right-wing Republicans to office by suckering paranoid and superstitious rubes, will host well-known libertine and glutton, Chris Christie at their annual conference on June 20.

As The GOP Doubles Down On Homophobia, Do Gay Republicans Have A Role To Play Any Longer?

Right wing hedge fund operator and vulture capitalist Paul Singer may be best known as one of the money bags behind Mitt Romney but the ardent defender of the prerogatives of the one percent and their right to rule without interference from government (he's been on an anti-Dodd Frank jihad, for example) is also one of the biggest supp