
1,100 in Indiana Displaced Due to Toxic Levels of Lead in the Soil

A development in East Chicago, Indiana has been confirmed to have toxic lead levels up to 30 times what is considered safe. This is especially devastating for the families who live there, as high lead levels are known to decrease children’s IQs as well as contribute to further developmental issues that may affect them for the rest of their lives. [1]

Hepatitis A Cases Linked to Strawberry Smoothies Rises to 51

Last week, it was reported that there were 28 confirmed cases of Hepatitis A linked to smoothies from a Virginia branch of the chain Tropical Smoothie cafe. The Hepatitis A has been linked to the frozen strawberries that the chain used in their smoothies. [1]
The contaminated berries were sourced from Egypt and pulled from the 500 smoothie franchises as soon as it was suspected that they could be the root of the problem. Although this was done at the beginning of August, it can take up to 50 days from contamination to the person showing symptoms.

These 7 Turmeric Brands are Being Recalled Due to Lead Contamiantion

There are now 6 more brands of turmeric being recalled due to lead contamination. So far, there have been no illnesses or injuries reported from the high lead levels in the turmeric, but Gel Spice, Inc., the company expanding the recall, is taking precautions.
The FDA lists the following products as being recalled due to potential lead contamination:

Blue Bell to Be Fined $850,000 After Listeria Outbreak

Texas health officials have stated that Blue Bell Creameries will be paying a fine of $850,000 to rectify damage caused by the listeria outbreak at their plant. [1]
The 2015 outbreak of the virus sickened several people and killed three. The company will have to pay $175,000 within the next thirty days, while the remainder may be paid over the next 18 months. If they fully comply with regulations, they may not have to pay the rest of their bill at all.

Meijer Recalls Fresh Products Due to Possible Salmonella Risks

Although there have been no known illnesses from Meijer’s fresh salads and sandwiches, they are none-the-less embarking on a recall of their food due to potentially being infected with Salmonella. The sandwiches and salads that are affected were sold between July 20, 2016 and July 25, 2016.
This precautionary measure was put into place after Prime Foods, LLC, who supplies Meijer with eggs for their fresh products, announced that some of their eggs have tested positive for salmonella.

Fracking Contaminates Groundwater, a New Study Proves

Let’s think for a moment. If terrorists dumped biological agents in a river that provides drinking water for thousands of people, it would spark panic, probably result in new laws, and the world would be horrified. If a disgruntled woman somehow managed to dump poison in her ex-husbands well water, it would be a criminal act. Outrage would explode over social media.