
Prometheus, E.T., War of the Worlds and More! Alien Madness – Jay & Jamie Dyer

Tonight we continue Alien month here at my channel by investigating more of the bigger and lesser known alien films we haven’t covered.  Will look at Spielberg in War of the Worlds and E.T., HG Wells, Prometheus, Super 8, Fire in the Sky, Contact, Day the Earth Stood Still and Communion. Live at 730 PM […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 99 National Security Cinema with Matthew Alford and Tom Secker

Tom Secker and Matthew Alford join me today to discuss their brand new book National Security Cinema: The Shocking New Evidence of Government Control in Hollywood. We begin by talking about the overall structure of the book and why Tom and Matt decided to write it. Matt and Tom talk about how this book is different from other scholarly books on the topic of government influence in Hollywood and entertainment at large. Tom and Matt talk about the wealth of new research that they discovered which shows that this influence has only increased over time.