
Framing Houses, Framing Lives

“You can’t hammer a nail over the Internet.”
— Michael Crawford, writer
One might think a profile of a former Oceanlake school, Taft elementary youth and a teen who dropped out of Taft High School (Lincoln City, Oregon) who now, 21 years later, works hard as a carpenter might not be the stuff of legends.
In fact, speaking with 37-year-old Justin Marical is like a breath of fresh air along with bursts of déjà vu.

Underwater stage of Russia’s TurkStream pipeline completed [Video]

The last offshore section of the TurkStream natural gas pipeline between Russia and the Mediterranean was put in place on November 20th. The order was given by both Presidents Vladimir Putin of Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, in a ceremony celebrating the completion of this first stage of the pipeline’s construction. 

Construction Worker Creates Life-Size ‘Where’s Waldo’ for Children in Hospital

Construction worker Jason Haney is a foreman at a construction site just across from Memorial Children’s Hospital in South Bend, Indiana where he is working on an expansion. Knowing the children were in need of entertainment and something to look forward to, he created an 8-foot tall Waldo to hide on the construction site somewhere new each day. The children were challenged to a life-sized game of Where’s Waldo every morning.

4 Ways Our Congested Roadways Hurt the Environment

Just about everyone with a driver’s license has been stuck in traffic at least once. Whether it’s the usual rush-hour slowdown or a delay caused by construction, sitting in traffic is a frustrating experience. However, it’s more than a personal nuisance.

Clogged highways make cars burn more gasoline than they would at normal driving speeds. This has many negative repercussions for the environment, from the hazards of oil production to the many pollutants found in vehicle exhaust. Read on to learn more about 4 ways our congested roadways hurt the environment.