You’re Paying for Trump’s Wall — and ‘Slave Labor’ Might Be Used to Build It
Taxpayers, not Mexico, will be financing Trump's wall.
Taxpayers, not Mexico, will be financing Trump's wall.
They were the voice of a generation.
Imagine what that must feel like. Hillary forced to watch yet another inauguration she was promised by the Gods. It must be horrible though I can’t exactly sympathize. The thought of her being at the helm is more than a tender mind can handle. Look at what’s been said anent the imaginary and illusive Russian hack. The constant refrain of contamination and attack without so much as a shred and ort of evidence. Details, details, m’boy. Enjoy. Or not. It’s your call.
In this episode of the Orthodox Nationalist, Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the assumptions we make when voting and the implications of doing so in this age of depravity. The media sponsored hatred spewed forth from the American media shows that civic debate is long dead.
“Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra?” M. CICERONIS TULLI ORATIO IN L. CATILINAM PRIMA
I loved 2016. It was the year that changed everything. The evil queen’s been dispatched, there’s a revolution in the works and you and I look excitedly to 2017. Thank you for your payronage and faith and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Exclusive: To box in President-elect Trump, the neocons and liberal hawks are pushing for “crippling sanctions” against Russia that they see as crucial to their dangerous “regime change” agenda in Moscow, reports Robert Parry. By Robert Parry The neocons and…Read more →
#LionelNation in Northern Ireland
The world mourns yet another celebrity who dies prematurely over and lifestyles, decisions and deadly habits. Enter automourn.
Traditional U.S. history downplays Native people who settled the land and Africans enslaved to cultivate it while glorifying European whites and ignoring when the “other side” won, as on Christmas Day 1837, writes William Loren Katz. By William Loren Katz…Read more →
After vowing to run a transparent government, President Obama oversaw an unprecedented legal assault on whistleblowers, only now offering up a modest concession, as Linda Lewis explains. By Linda Lewis A finding by an Obama administration panel – reached last…Read more →