Constitution of the U.S.

"ISDS Provisions in TPP Violate Article III of the U.S. Constitution"

Conservative constitutional lawyer Bruce Fein agreeing with Alan Morrison: Fast Track is "defective constitutionally" (source: Thom Hartmann program)by Gaius PubliusThere's a growing recognition within the legal community that the ISDS provisions of treaties like NAFTA, TPP, many trade agreements already signed and almost all agreements going forward ... may well be unconstitutional.

Yet Another Republican Claims to Speak for God

By NoahIn a move that would make Mike Huckabee and any number of republican nutballs proud, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore has just banned judges in his state from issuing same-sex marriage licenses.Judge Moore, if you remember, is the infamous gay-bashing judge who, back in 2002, refused to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama state courthouse, invoking the usual “We are a Christian Nation” clause that apparently

Repealing a law by defunding it is surely unconstitutional, but does it matter to these loons?

UPDATE: For a contrary argument on the constitutionality of repealing a law by defunding it, see the comment by esteemed legal commentator Michael Froomkin in the comments section.[You should be able to click on this News Alert to enlarge it.]"The constitutional process for repealing a law -- such as Congress and President Clinton did with the old Glass-Steagall Act -- is for both houses to enact a new bill that repeals the old, which must then be signed by the President.