Conspiracy Theories

The X-Files episode 5: Hippies and Neo-Nazis Unite - Spy Culture

The latest X-Files episode - Babylon - sees both wings of the conspiracy culture united in one easy-to-digest dose. Both the emerging Neo-Nazi front that is widespread but particularly vicious within the conspiracy world and the lefty hippy crowd who want to take drugs and try to levitate the Pentagon are given strong reassurances and affirmations.

Disinfowars 27 – Who the hell are ISIS, anyway? - Spy Culture

ISIS are a terrifying, devastating Sunni militia that emerged out of the Iraqi insurgency and the anti-Assad jihad … except they aren't particularly religious! And their origin story makes no sense. And militarily speaking they are a joke who could be wiped out within weeks if NATO wanted that. In this episode I take a sideways look at the Islamic State, which isn't very Islamic and isn't a state, and ask what they really are, if anything.

CIA Inspector General’s Report on Engagement with the Entertainment Industry - Spy Culture

In the wake of the scandal over the CIA giving classified information to the makers of Zero Dark Thirty the Agency's Office of the Inspector General carried out an audit into their involvement in the entertainment industry. The report heavily criticises the CIA's entertainment liaison office for terrible record keeping and a very casual culture.