conspiracy culture

Porkins Policy Radio episode 154 The end of Alex Jones with Robbie Martin and Jon Gold

This week I discussed the recent banning of Alex Jones on several tech platforms from two different perspectives. In the first hour Robbie Martin joined me to discuss the negative aspects of this. We talked about the dangers of censorship and what this may mean for the future of alternative media. Then we addressed the latest on the ever evolving Qanon saga. Robbie and I inquired how this may be related to the banning of Jones.

PPR Bonus Podcast ep. 19 Counterpart Season 1 with Chuck Ochelli

From Patreon:
Chuck Ochelli and I discuss one of our favorite TV shows, the sci-fi spy thriller Counterpart. We discuss several of the show’s themes including, alternate realities, the human cost of spying, fate, and much more. This is quite a long episode that just barley scratches the surface of the complexities of this show.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 137 Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard with Joseph Flatley

Journalist and filmmaker Joseph L Flatley joins me this week to discuss his novel Sirhan or The Hallucinatory Vanguard. We start off by talking about the sort of work that Joseph focuses on and why he decided to write his first novel. Joseph and I begin by discussing the books unique structure that periodically jumps 30 into the future and features a general at a conspiracy conference talking about the events depicted in the book.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 131 Jon Gold and Robbie Martin on 9/11 Saudi Lawsuits and Health Effects

This week I am joined by 9/11 researcher, writer and activist Jon Gold and Robbie Martin of Media Roots. We discuss the legacy of 9/11 and how it continues to impact us on a daily basis, as well as several new developments. We kick off the conversation by looking into the way in which the mainstream and alternative media has moved away from 9/11 as a topic of conversation. Jon talks about his own experiences with in the 9/11 truth movement, and his relationship with many of the family members of victims.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 115 Paranormal Halloween Special with Aaron Franz

Aaron Franz joins us for a special paranormal/occult Halloween special. We start off by discussing our opinions on Halloween as it exists today. We then move onto the ancient Druid and pagan roots of the holiday and the deeper esoteric meaning behind it. Aaron and I discuss how this pagan festival was absorbed into the Christian All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day. We look at how Halloween has become a commercialized holiday predicated on buying candy and other useless products.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 104 Jeffrey Augustine on Scientology’s connections to Jim Marrs and conspiracy culture

Jeffrey Augustine joins me once again for an in depth discussion of all things Scientology. We begin by touching on Leah Remini and her headline making TV show Scientology and the Aftermath. We talk about her recent Television Critics Association award for best reality series and what a huge step this is in exposing Scientology to the world. Jeffrey and I also touch on Elizabeth Moss, who walked out of the award show in protest over this.