
Connecticut State Police Sued After Caught on Camera Plotting to Fabricate Charges Against Open Carry Activist

In an effort to cover up their unconstitutional actions, Connecticut State Police made up charges against a young open carry activist last year.
The state eventually dismissed all charges when they heard Michael Picard’s recording of cops plotting to trump up charges against him to “cover our ass.”

Your Captured Government at Work: Conn. Gov. Malloy Met With Cigna and Anthem CEOs During Merger Review

by Gaius PubliusCigna and Anthem are health insurance giants that want to merge. Cigna is Connecticut-based (the "C" in Cigna stands for "Connecticut") and pulls in over $1.6 billion in revenue. Its 2012 total assets topped $50 billion.Anthem, Inc. used to be known as Wellpoint, and if you click the link, you'll see that it too is a player.

How Much Worse Will Trump Do Than Romney And McCain?

It's hard to imagine anyone ever took Mr. Trumpanzee's claims that he will win in deep blue states like California, New York and New Jersey seriously, not even people who are part of his campaign. Maybe Barron Trump took it seriously and the plagiarizer. Maybe someone thought some of the long-dead Christie magic would rub off on him.

Pivoting Right Always Comes Very Naturally To Hillary Clinton

I'm so old I remember when the Hillary Clinton I've come to despise beyond reasonableness was blaming Bernie for Sandy Hook during the New York primary. Look, New Yorkers are overwhelmingly anti-gun-- and, it worked. I literally heard a first-time Bernie contributor saying "I want my $27 back"-- without a trace of irony-- while she snarled and foamed at the mouth during the debate about guns.