congressional dysfunction

Geriatric American Leadership Doesn't Seem Capable Of Keeping Up With A Rapidly Changing Environment-- Take McConnell And Pelosi

A few weeks ago I mentioned that Democrats were telling me that Pelosi wanted to adjourn Congress until after the worst of the pandemic but wouldn't act alone, afraid that Trump, McConnell and the Republicans could called her a wimp. She told intimates that she wouldn't act unless McConnell did as well.

Trump Promised Lower Drug Prices... But He Has Moscow Mitch Blocking Both Democratic And Republican Bills That Would Do That. Why Is He Such A Dick?

I was on the phone a few minutes ago, talking with a super-progressive running for a congressional seat in central Texas and she brought up Lloyd Doggett, chair of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, and more progressive than anyone else in the Texas congressional delegation.

Washington Politics-- Hopelessly Broken?

In his State of the Union interview Sunday with Jake Tapper, Justin Amash (I-MI), Amash was steadfast in his position that it isn't Trump-- who he obviously detests-- that caused him to leaved the GOP but Congress itself. He told Tapper he had made the decision to leave the party before he called for Congress to begin the impeachment process and before Mueller issued his report. While Tapper kept trying to get him to say something negative about Trump, Amash wanted to make the point that he "had concerns with the Republican Party for several years.

Will The Republican Party EVER Be Able To Escape Its Own Congenital, Backward-Looking Obstructionism?

On the day Obama announced his nominee to fill Scalia's job was Merrick Garland, we made it clear what our opinion of the nomination is: Yuck! The political gamesmanship yielded up the most conservative nominee a Democrat has proposed to the Supreme Court in many decades. Terrible choice... but politically strategic.

2016-- Same Ole Dysfunctional GOP... Wasting Time Nurturing Their Same Petty Grievances

Yesterday Ryan passed his silly defund Planned Parenthood/repeal Obamacare bill and tried to make a big fuss with a seething right-wing base who already knows he sold them down the river. Not just Ryan, the whole GOP caucus was in on the charade. It passed 240-181 and there were only 3 Republicans present who didn't vote for it.