conflict zones

World faces a ‘hurricane of humanitarian crises’, warns UN chief 

There is a bloody surge” impacting humanitarian crises around the world, with civilians in conflict zones paying the highest price, UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres told the UN Security Council on Friday. UN’s and media reports said: The UN secretary general’s speech to the U.N. Security Council was read by UN deputy secretary-general Amina Mohammed. The UN chief cited Ethiopia’s Tigray[Read More...]

US Gov’t stealing a significant part of its own “aid” to Afghanistan

Grigory Trofimchuk Despite the statements of the US President D. Trump on the need for an early withdrawal of the US military from Afghanistan, the interest of the Pentagon, the CIA, and the industrial complex in maintaining a military presence in this country is obvious. We are talking about the use of American financial aid …

CIA Info War Succeeds: Afghanistan Occupation Forced To Continue

The neocon dogma pushed onto liberals by never-Trump Republicans did its job. Partisan liberals are parroting the line of the CIA. The attempt to sabotage talks with the Taliban and prevent troop withdrawals from Afghanistan worked. "The Resistance" just helped push the continued occupation of Afghanistan to score cheap political points. The CIA thanks them for their “patriotism.”